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Personal projects that I have been enjoyng working on and building from the grownd up, both front and back end. 

Connect four

Full Stack Developer


HTML, CSS, JavaScript


The Connect 4 Board Game Rules are easy to understand. To win Connect Four, all you have to do is connect four of your colored checker pieces in a row. This can be done horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. Each player will drop in one checker piece at a time. This will give you a chance to either build your row or stop your opponent from getting four in a row. The game is over either when you or your friend reaches four in a row, or when all forty-two slots are filled, ending in a stalemate. If you and your friend decide to play again, the loser typically goes first.


Hangman Game

Full Stack Developer


HTML, CSS, JavaScript



A word game where the goal is simply to find the missing word or words by guessing letters. If you guess the wrong letter you lose a life and the hangman begins to appear, piece by piece.


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Splash Music

Front - end Developer


Django, Python



Welcome to Splash Music, an online lessons app written with Django and Python. This app was developed as part of a group project. Our group focused on maintaining a strong git workflow and adhering to a mobile-first development strategy.


The Spot Cafe

Full Stack Developer


Full CRUD and MERN web app with JS, HTML, CSS, and NodeJS


Website created to be able to order food and drinks. This is a single-page app





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